Anti-Human Trafficking Intelligence Initiative's
Human Trafficking &
Child Exploitation Risk Services:Free Intelligence Briefings for Financial Institutions
The fight against human trafficking requires an ongoing commitment to innovation, collaboration, and vigilance. The intelligence gathered by Anti-Human Trafficking Intelligence Initiative and its partners underscores the importance of proactive measures, both in detecting trafficking activities and in mitigating the risks posed to financial institutions and the communities they serve. By continuing to refine detection methods, fostering cross-sector partnerships, and responding swiftly to adverse media, organizations can play a crucial role in disrupting trafficking networks and protecting vulnerable populations.
Negative News Reports to Minimize Your KYC Risk & Maximize Your Positive Social Impact
Discover the tools investigators use for entity resolution in illicit networksPREVENTION TACTICS
Learn how to detect patterns and red flags that might not be obvious
Recieve comprehensive insights, enabling you to make informed decisions and take action
Included in Your Free Monthly Intelligence Briefings:
Small Business and Corporation Network Analysis & Targeted Negative News on Potential HUMAN TRAFFICKING RISK (Sex, Labor & Organ)
We only allow corporate email address from financial institutions and law enforcement offices to subscribe for this free service. No personal email addesses like gmail and yahoo. Allow 48 hours for vetting to receive your intel briefing login link.